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Who we are

At Inveto, our mission is to provide a powerful analytics tool for investors.
Meet the team
At Inveto, we are both proud and privileged to have a diverse team of subject matter experts from all over the world.
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Leadership Team
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Steve Nguyen
PhD in Artificial Intelligence, 12 years of experience on Data Analytics
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Phillip Bui
Expert in product, platform full-cycle implementation, 12+ years of experience in Software Development and Consultant services
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Thanh Nguyen
PhD in Cloud Computing, 15 years of experience on creating data related solutions
Our Values
Our values are the guiding principles that inform our actions and decisions
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Machine learning algorithms
We leverage machine learning algorithms to analyze data and provide insights that are accurate and reliable. This allows investors to make decisions based on data that is up-to-date and relevant.
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Predictive analytics
Our data analytics platform uses advanced predictive analytics models to forecast future trends and identify potential investment opportunities. This helps investors make informed investment decisions and stay ahead of the competition.
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Our data analytics platform offers a cost-effective solution for investors who want to access high-quality data and insights without breaking the bank. We offer flexible pricing plans that cater to the specific needs of our clients.
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Continuous innovation
We are committed to continuous innovation, which means that we are always looking for ways to improve our platform and add new features that provide value to our clients. This ensures that our clients always have access to the latest technology and tools for investment analysis and decision-making.
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Customizable alerts
Our data analytics platform offers customizable alerts that notify investors of any changes or updates to the data sets they are interested in. This helps investors stay up-to-date with market trends and make informed investment decisions in a timely manner
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Comprehensive data analytics
Our website provides a comprehensive data analytics platform that covers a wide range of investment sectors, including trading and real estate. This ensures that investors have access to all the necessary data and insights to make informed investment decisions